> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 13:53:50 +0100
> From: Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
> Subject: Re: [sldev] Script/Parcel/Memory Limits - Memory Limit
>        Configuration
> To: Cincia Singh <cinciasi...@gmail.com>
> Cc: sldev@lists.secondlife.com
> Message-ID: <20091222125350.gd10...@alinoe.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On a private estate (sorry, but I really can't care less what
> happens on mainland), you pay for the server. A full sim costs
> $295 per month. Imho, what you pay for is the server, not the land.

There really is no "land" ... it's all server space and resource allocation.
And don't be sorry about what you do and don't care for, the feeling is
mutual ;-)

> Obviously, it should be possible to USE all resources of that
> server the way you want. If something is CHANGED that makes that
> impossible then Linden Lab breaks a contract, and they deserve
> the largest riot thinkable.

It is obvious that it should be possible to use the resources that LL makes
available to a estate. Example; we all know that an estate can support more
than 15k prims, but LL only makes 15k prims available. The estate manager
allocates those prims to their renters as they see fit. If a parcel on an
estate has a 500 prim limit and they exceed that limit the estate manager or
owner has tools at their disposal to enforce their covenant/rental
agreement. A script limit could work the same.

The one constant in SL is that things ALWAYS change. Well, AND a sense of
entitlement (I have one myself (^-^) I just hide it)

> With the current proposal it would NOT be possible anymore
> to use all the resources of a private sim unless you have every
> parcel owned by the same avatar

Rehash: the only one who "owns" anything on a private estate is the person
who purchased the sim from LL. Everyone else is renting from that owner.
Under ANY plan for limits the estate owner would be the one who controls the
parameters on their estate just as they do now. If the plan ends up being
hard limits for scripts, to allocate more scripts for a parcel on an estate
the estate owner would simply have to hold another parcel in reserve with no
scripts on it from which to allocate those resources; just as they do now
with prim limits. This is an estate management issue, not an issue about the
limits themselves. And it would still be possible for the estate owner to
place scripts on their estate to max out the limits. If the estate owner
wanted to allow their tenants to do the same, that should also be possible.

> No excuse me, but who is paying for the resources of that
> sim again? The sim owner or those 35 losers that I don't
> want on my sim anyway?

Losers? You mean tenants or visitor? Can we get back to civil discourse?
Once again, the estate owner controls the parameters on an estate. If an
estate owner doesn't want the 35 "residents" on their estate, it's a simple
matter to lock it down. Perhaps you need to better explain what it is you're
having issue with.

Thanks Carlo,

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