Cincia Singh wrote:

> It is obvious that it should be possible to use the resources that LL 
> makes available to a estate. Example; we all know that an estate can 
> support more than 15k prims, but LL only makes 15k prims available. The 
> estate manager allocates those prims to their renters as they see fit. 
> If a parcel on an estate has a 500 prim limit and they exceed that limit 
> the estate manager or owner has tools at their disposal to enforce their 
> covenant/rental agreement. A script limit could work the same.

Actually, LL only makes 15,000 prims available for building with.  It's 
obvious a SIM supports a lot more prims - it's rather common for prim 
hair to have 100+ prims.

In point of fact, a single AV, using *JUST* the LL avatar attachment 
points (not counting the HUD points), can have 7640 prims attached (30 
points, 255 prims per point).  That's half a SIM worth of prims on *ONE* 
AV (and suggests a means of having your cake and eating it too in a 
shopping mall...)  You put 40 AVs (mainland max) in a SIM, and that's 
20x as many prims as are available for building with.  Admitted, 
attachment prims don't affect the physics engine as far as I can tell - 
they don't change your AVs bounding box - but they still have to be 
accounted for, visibility tracked, etc.  So I can quite understand 
Linden Labs not being in a hurry to increase the SIM building prim 
limits - people have built AVs far more than I imagine they ever expected.

[I'd hate for my SIM to be on the same server as Money Island's SIM, 
with 100 AVs, wearing 50x as many prims as the SIM has available for 
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