We have created a new meta jira for the in-progress Efficient Scripts
project which has gotten some discussion lately on both of these lists -
SVC-5165 [1].  I've added some sub-tasks for the cases that were already on
our radar, along with the "mission statement" / goal of the project.  If
there is further discussion or ideas this jira is the place for them.

Please note that this is an independent discussion from that around
Babbage's recent Script Limits blog post: sometime after the new year we
plan to have a more detailed design description to put onto the wiki that
will hopefully clear up some misconceptions and provide a firmer base for

I definitely want to thank everyone who has participated in either
discussion, we have gotten a lot out of the discussions so far and it is
encouraging as always to see how passionate everyone is about Second Life.
 Given the holidays and vacation schedules, and the wider scope of both of
these lists, we would appreciate moving the Efficient Scripts discussion to
the jira and holding off discussion of Script Limits at least on these lists
for the time being.

Again, a big thank you to everyone involved.

 - Kelly

[1] https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5165
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