On Saturday 09 January 2010 21:25:59 Aleric Inglewood wrote:
> The intended behavior is:
> In a debug build, always show the grid selector.
> In a release build, only show it if UseDebugLogin is set to TRUE
> (default is FALSE)
> OR if you have at least two different grids (servers / loginuir's) in
> your saved_logins.xml
> file.
> However, the latter was changed by
> http://svn.secondlife.com/trac/linden/changeset/3084
> Not sure what the intended behavior is now. UseDebugLogin was even removed.

Post-3084 should behave the same as intended before, with the exception that 
it removed the dependency on build type (#ifdef LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD).

The UseDebugLogin setting and the number of saved logins was ignored before 
that, because the constructor for LLPanelLogin didn't do anything with it's 
show_server parameter, and there was no UI to activate it anyway.

So now it only shows the grid selection box if there is more than 1 saved 
login, or ForceShowGrid is activated (via Ctrl+Shift+G). That said, it was a 
quick patch to get it to build again, so I might have missed something.

Also see SNOW-430 for changing that behavior to depend on the number of saved 
*grids*  instead of the number of saved *logins* (since a common case is a 
user who doesn't care about different grids but has more than 1 account on 


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