On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Lawson English <lengli...@cox.net> wrote:
> Robert Martin wrote:
>> Just floating an idea for the future would it be possible to go and
>> restructure the code so that interface "tweaks" and addon features
>> could be done without doing a recompile for the main sl executeable??
>> I would love for somebody to get back to the work on VWR-6199 but the
>> whole program crashing (and other problems) kind of gets in the way of
>> that
>> Maybe in the 1.9 or 2.1 roadmap??
> Take a look at realxtend's naali project. They've basically started
> rewriting the C++ viewer from scratch under an MIT (?) license (maybe BSD).

Naali is a Qt application, intended to be highly modular, so it can be
reskinned and repurposed very easily.


It's also alpha software, so it's probably not yet ready for much more
than hobbying just yet -- but as a true open source project, where the
community is allowed commit access, that really depends on who wants
to come and participate.

Back to your scheduled programming...


> There are several other from-scratch projects out there: pyogp in
> python. limomv in C#. I'm experimenting with smalltalk (well, kinda
> sorta). The wheel may need reinventing more than once, but don't ignore
> the other wheelwrights while you're at it.
> Lawson
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