I would like to propose myself as a commiter if I can.

I have been using and am using slide every day now for over 2 years to act as the document repostory for document management systems we are delivering to our customers.

I have devloped some JSR168 compliant Portlets that sit atop the slide WebDAV api, and have integrated slide into a couple of portal serversers, and and am initially looking to integrate some of that work and some utility software software to help new users of slide.

I have been active on the user list for quite a while and have already contributed some documentation.

I dont know what else to say .....

Oliver Zeigermann wrote:


either a committer or you - yourself - propose(s) you as a committer.
Afterwards each committer can cast a vote. If you have three positive
votes and no negative ones you can become a committer yourself. Some
advertisement of yourself in which you describe what you have done
for/with the Slide project and why it would be beneficial for the
Slide community to have you as a committer would be good. Can you
summarize this information for us?


On 7/29/05, Paul Hussein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do I become or get involved in commiting src in slide ? ( i.e. svn
access ).

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