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Paul Hussein wrote:
> I would like to propose myself as a commiter if I can.

Yes you can, no problem there.

> I have been using and am using slide every day now for over 2 years
> to act as the document repostory for document management systems we
> are delivering to our customers.
> I have devloped some JSR168 compliant Portlets that sit atop the
> slide WebDAV api, and have integrated slide into a couple of portal 
> serversers, and and am initially looking to integrate some of that
> work and some utility software software to help new users of slide.
> I have been active on the user list for quite a while and have
> already contributed some documentation.
> I dont know what else to say .....

Can you point us to patches or code you have contributed to Slide? Some
 evidence that you have a basic understanding of the codebase and can
make valuable changes and additions to it? In the above description I
don't see yet why you would need commit access. Documentation can be
added to the wiki without having to be a committer. Committership is
gained on the basis of /gathered/ merit based on past contributions, not
usually on the basis of a /promise/.

Sorry, unless you can point me to contributions in code you have made I
am -1.

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