On 3/27/06, Guido Casper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +0
> Sorry, I currently can't help out with anything. I'm not quite sure that
> the Slide community is strong enough to have its own PMC. I'm not even
> sure wether we currently have a release manager. But since you added
> yourself to the PMC list I'm +0 instead of -0  :-)
> Guido
> PS: Out of curiosity, what do you aim for the Jakarta project to be
> about? (just trying to understand)

Mostly - aiming for Jakarta to be smaller and one community :)

Currently this is in the direction of Jakarta being a repository of
small Java components - it's the only direction I can come up with
(and have not heard any others yet) that leads to a focused Jakarta
project which can become a single healthy community.


Many have brought up the "we're too inactive to be a TLP" issue.
There's no difference between TLP and S(econdary)LP when it comes down
to activity - just that the inactivity would be clearer to the
foundation. So I have come to feel that this really means "we like how
we're currently hiding our inactivity".

Calling a vote is a multi-use exercise - it can either be:

* Resounding +1s
* Resounding -1s/argument
* Silence

In the latter case, there's so little activity that a Jakarta
subproject is unable to decide what to do (and unlikely to find anyone
volunteering to be a chair [much less work being a chair of a small
project]). We have 2 PMC +1s and one +0 so far, in a week and a half.
Is there any reason to think that if a serious bug turned up, that
there'd be anyone to deal with it? Inactivity is a problem for a

Excalibur is proof that inactivity is not a problem for a TLP - the
chair of the project reports to the board each quarter; mostly with
the same "things are quite inactive" but sometimes with a bit of text
about some recent noise. The board are aware of the inactivity, but
also aware that things are being watched.

So the 'Slide is inactive' part of this is very selfish on my behalf -
I need to create a Slide subproject chair so that I can delegate the
'somebody is watching it' bit as I can't scope to watch the whole
umbrella - especially if things get active; and without making the
foundation a 3-tier system, I can only do that by getting Slide to
have its own PMC.

The TLP part is more about the health of Jakarta than Slide - while
it's technically possible I think for Slide to have a PMC and be in
Jakarta, it would be confusing to the Jakarta community - maybe not if
we'd done that 3 years ago from the start, but I think it's too late
to try that idea out now - we just need to finish the job of Jakarta


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