On 4/6/06, Darren Hartford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Hen,
> Thanks for the description and the comparison with the Excalibur project 
> related to inactivity/TLP.
> I would like to add two more metrics regarding inactivity-and-project-is-good 
> versus inactivity-lack-of-active-developers.
> *Look at the bugtracker and see how many bugs have not been corrected over 
> XXXX amount of time and/or corrected but the length it took to correct it 
> (pending on the severity of the bug).

+1. This'd be a great stat to look into - links to my current job.

We tend to be a bit anti IRC in Jakarta as it's a bit of a hidden
resource and works poorly with developers around the world - but I'd
love to do bug triage sessions on an IRC channel. Make them a
scheduled affair - each month go through the bugs or something.

> *Has the project met it's goals and purpose?  For Jakarta Slide, their goal 
> and purpose is to store documents/files with metadata (with certain 
> functionality such as delta-v and indexed metadata) and implement a WebDAV 
> interface to access those documents.  Is there more that can be done for 
> these goals and purpose?

Yep, we've started calling these ones mature rather than inactive.
ORO, Regexp, ECS. Tends to be more common in smaller codebases.


On the future of Slide - I'll leave that up to the Slide community.
Both the 'what's next' and the 'how do we balance with Jackrabbit'
seem like important questions - I'm just clueless on them :)


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