My problem has nothing to do with this bug, my NotificationTrigger is commented out for a long time now. We don't use JNDIPrincipalStore in a particular way, here is my configuration :

<store name="users">
 <nodestore classname="">
   <parameter name="cache.refresh.checkrate">21600</parameter>
   <parameter name="cache.refresh.rate">86000</parameter>
   <parameter name="cache.refresh.threshold">2000</parameter>

<parameter name="jndi.container">ou=people,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr</parameter>
   <parameter name="jndi.attributes.rdn">uid</parameter>
<parameter name="">(objectclass=n2classpersonnel)</parameter>
   <parameter name="">SUBTREE_SCOPE</parameter>
   <parameter name="">uid,displayName</parameter>
<parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">ldap://</parameter> <parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial">com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory</parameter>
   <parameter name=""></parameter>
   <parameter name="">simple</parameter>
   <parameter name=""></parameter>

   <reference store="nodestore"/>
   <reference store="nodestore"/>
   <reference store="nodestore"/>
   <reference store="nodestore"/>
   <reference store="nodestore"/>

David Delbecq a écrit :
Using slide 2.1, was reported about 1 year ago or alike, not sure, and
was supposed to be fixed in source repository a bit later. I checked the
code in source repository, and it was indeed fixed at that time. So if
you have problems with latest source slide, it doesn't come from there.

Here is my relevant Domain.xml entry:

        <!-- This one prevent tomcat from stopping!!!
                <notification include-events="false" />
                <persist-subscriptions filename="subscriptions.xml" />
Antoine Levy-Lambert a écrit :
Hello David and Mathieu,

I have experienced a similar problem too. I have tomcat with the newest
version of slide built from sources.
When I stop tomcat on my PC using the services applet, I am told that
the stop fails. The process stops however,
but there must be something unclean.

So David if you can be more specific about the listener that you
commented out and perhaps file a bug report,
we could sometime fix this issue.



David Delbecq wrote:
am using slide with JNDIPrincipalStore. It uses Threads indeed, but i
never encountered it preventing stopping of webapp. However, in the
past, i had a problem with a listener configured in the Domain that was
preventing shutdow. I just commented out this listener. (It's WEBDav
notifier or something alike i don't remember, it was using a non daemon
Timer to work on a regular basis)

It can be interresting however to look at what it waits, maybe you have
a jndi ressource in a deadlock somewhere.

Mathieu Larchet a écrit :
I have a problem with Slide, when I call Tomcat doen't stop.
I'have done a thread dump to identify threads running and it seems
JNDIPrincipalStore is the main cause :

"RefreshThread-" prio=1 tid=0x087643c8 nid=0x5d5d waiting on condition
       at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)

"RefreshThread-" prio=1 tid=0x4ee83610 nid=0x5d56 waiting on condition
       at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)

Is it a known bug and is there some workaround ?


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Mathieu Larchet
Centre de Ressources Informatiques
Université Nancy 2

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