Hello Martin,

welcome on board. This project does need more committers.

I personally am using IntelliJ Idea to develop slide. It is true that creating the project and modules allowing to see all the components of slide with the right classpath takes time. So maven2 can help more developers jump in quickly. I do not prefer to use maven2, since I know it less than ant. So I am +0 on that.

A propos build, jakarta-slide is failing in gump repeatedly these last days. I suppose that the problem is not new, but what is new is that the dependencies of slide themselves all build in gump. I solved one issue related to db-ojb, where I saw that slide was using a method of db-ojb which was removed ... 2 years ago.

I have no problem moving from Bugzilla to Jira. I am not aware of the advantages of Jira though.



On Feb 17, 2007, at 4:38 PM, Martin van den Bemt wrote:

Hi everyone,

It could be that I am going to invest some time in Slide (still need to check if slide is the thing
for me or not).
I just browsed around a bit on the site and saw some notes on how to use that with eclipse (which
are still cvs instructions).
If "all" committers/people who are interested are using the maven2 / eclipse combo anyway, maybe it is useful to move to maven2 for development (will make the instrucation on Eclipse or any other IDE
a lot easier).
If "everyone" prefers to use maven2, I can move the project to maven2 during my investigation,
otherwise I won't :)
Also I really like Jira and if I am not the only one, we could do a conversion from bugzilla. I think it will be easier to show people what we are working on and decrease the overhead of having to
write separate release notes.

Thoughts ?


PS for people reading along and don't know : I *am* able to commit to to Slide (everyone at Jakarta
is), I am just not involved in the development (yet).

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