Hello Antoine,

1. We have developed the quota listener trying to stick close to the WebDAV RFC but also keeping in mind that it had to be "user friendly" :-) I think that users getting a folder quota available bytes metadata expect that this value is for the folder itself and all of it sub-directories. But I could be wrong...
The reference document you point out in your mail is the right one.
Anyway given that the virtual root system is optionnal, this is probably not a problem. :-)

2. I don't know how we could setup protected metadata easily...
The easiest (and fastest) solution would probably be to :
+ unprotect quota metadata
+ define new propatch methods for quota metadata
+ protect the Slide server so that only users with root privileges can use theses new propatch methods
=> but this solution in not very... "RFC compliant"

3. ESUP WebDAV client and Web Service.
Yes, the Web service bypass the WebDAV API using directly Slide source code.
The client call this Web service using the well known AXIS API to set up and modify quota metadata. The client also call the WebDAV client API to display more common information such as directory listing or getting unprotected metadata.

4. Forwarding this discution to the WebDAV RFC authors is a very good idea. Given that you are a Slide comitter, you are probably the best "Slide ambassador" ! :-)
Miguel could also be involved.
I add (a long time ago) exchanges with these authors, so they know that a quota system was about to be developped for Slide. But they don't probably know that this quota feature is know released.



Antoine Levy-Lambert a écrit :
Hello Thomas,

1 concerning the virtual root, if users do not have to use this feature,
I do not think this is a problem.
I suppose the reference document for quotas is this one :
Does this document say that the available bytes on a collection should
be equal to the sum of the available bytes of each nested collection ?

2 about how to setup the quota metadata, what would be the permissible
ways to setup protected properties ?
I glanced into another RFC concerning ordered collections.
This RFC introduces a special method ORDERPATCH to change the order of a
sorted collection.

The rfc4331 does not define special patch methods for quota available
bytes and quota used bytes.

How does your Web service work ?  I suppose it is communicating directly
with the Slide store, bypassing the WebDAV API ?
And how does your DAV client work ?

It might be interesting to forward this discussion to the authors of the
quota RFC to see what they think.



Thomas Bellembois wrote:
Hello Antoine, Hello Miguel, Hello Sliders ;-)

Before starting I apologize for my poor English. In my new position I
don't use English anymore :-( - and then - I have not praticed it for
a long time...
I would like to point out some elements :

1. The ESUP consortium has defined the notion of virtual root to break
quota inheritance in a file tree. This virtual root is, in my point of
view, very usefull but not defined in the WebDAV quota RFC. So, what
should be done for Slide ?

2. DAV:quota-used-bytes and DAV:quota-available-bytes are protected
metadata, so it is not possible to initialize/change them using
proppatch requests. That is why the ESUP consortium has developped a
Web service for Slide to set up these metadata. This Web service is
called by a DAV client (ESUP WebDAV Manager) with methods such as
"setQuota", "getQuotaUsedBytes" or "setVirtualRoot".
If Slide handles quota, it is necessary for users to have a tools to
set up and change quota.
It would be great to develop new methods for the Slide client.
The easiest way would be also to unprotect quota metadata but this can
be a serious security hole.
Any idea ?



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