Am Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2004 21:45 schrieb Liao, Yanjun:
> Hi,
>       Our company is looking for an open source CMS solution. We would
> like to contribute if possible. I just downloaded the snapshot
> jakarta-slide_20040127172318.tar.gz and built it successfully. I noticed
> that slide 2.0 has much more features than the previous release. But I
> am still new to this project, and have some questions. I appreciate
> anyone's answer.
>       1. In general, does slide performance well enough for production
> environment?
It depends on what you want to do with it :-) If you want to use it as a 
document management it does well. If you want to use it to e.g. render web 
pages on the fly - forget it. Slide is not yet performance optimized, so it's 
not as fast as can be...

 Have any stress test be performed on Slide? Do you think
> Slide handle transaction and scalability well? Or just as said in an
> attached presentation, it is "a proof of concept"?
Scalability and transaction handling depends mostly on the underlying store. 
But event the filestore supports transaction handling at different isolation 
levels etc.
It's not yet possible to cluster the slide core as far as I know. So this 
might be the bottleneck in terms of scalability.

>       2. Is there any client interface I can use to try out slide
> features? I know there is a command line client, but it doesn't seem to
> have all commands such as search.
Have a look at cadaver (

>       3. Can permission be assigned to each user, or just role/group
> based?
>       4. In feature list, there is a sentence, "DASL support for any
> backend, extensible for using backends search capabilities for higher
> scalability and less latency". I really want to know what it means, and
> how can I try out DSAL features.
There is a really slow store independent search implementation (BasicSearch) 
right now and some sophisticated search provided by the tamino store (e.g. 
you can use XPath expressions in your DASL request) and it is planned to 
implement a lucene based search but it not yet begun.

> Thanks a lot,
> Yanjun Liao
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