At 13.03 21/05/2004, you wrote:

I am very new to slide…

I have seen in the “users” directory that there are few users like root, john, john2 are created
Now I wanted to create my own user, so could anyone please guide me how can I do that using slide
Command line tool.

very simple : cd users mkcol username

And the user is there.

Also once the user is created I want it for login purpose so please guide me in that direction also.

First of all you need to have tomcat confiured to use the Slide Real for authenticating users, in the binary downloads there is a bundle which comes with slide installed in a tomcat5 already configured to use the slide realm and there is also a good howto on the side rearding this. I suggest you to download the bundle to have a "reference configuration", then follow the howto and configure your own tomcat properly.

Then, if you use users for authentication, you need to set a password for them. Using the command line client or any other client (DavExplorer is quite good for this), set the "password" property, with namespace " , containing the password you want.

Also I would like to know if any sample java programs are available for different commands of WebDAV client
Then please give me the reference link.

A good source of examples is the command line client itself. Download the source of slide, and then you have it in \commandline\src\java\org\apache\webdav\cmd\ after unpaking the zip.

Hope this helps,

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