NodeStore and ContentStore should be enough for what you're wanting. You may also need to implement NodeRevisionDescriptorsStore (note the extra 's'), but that one's a gimme.

Take a look at the JNDIPrincipalStore from the 2.1 milestones for an example of Store that doesn't implement most of the features :). You should be able to use the Memory stores (also 2.1) for the other *Store interface that you don't implement. This will let you have the other features, the data just won't persist between restarts.


alon salant wrote:
I'm definitely game to try.

Are we talking about implementing the Store interface with no-ops for
many of the methods?


On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 23:43:39 -0700, James Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know what you mean. You know if you're not needing anything fancy it
shouldn't be that hard to write a really simple filesystem Store for
Slide. You could probably ignore locking, metadata, security and
transactions, and since those are the complicated bits it should go
quite fast :). I can try to walk you through it if you're interested.


alon salant wrote:

Thanks for confirming my understanding.

I'm hoping to have WebDAV running within my webapp because I already
manage user authentication in Java and would like to apply the same
container-managed security my WebDAV implementation. I'm actually
surprised not to find a simple webdav servlet impementation
independent of application server platform or framework (slide).


On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 22:46:05 -0700, James Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I can't think of any way to get Slide to do this (maybe someone else
can, though). The TxFile Store implementation uses xml files to store
the structure of the repository, so I don't see any way to get this to
use an existing structure in the filesystem.

You could write a really Store implementation that either ignores
metadata or stores it in some sort of .meta file.

You might also look into using Apache HTTP Server's mod_dav module. It
should do what you need and is very cross-platform.


alon salant wrote:

I've been reading the slide docs, have set up the slide server and
have WebDAV working for accessing files in slide.

I have been unable to definitively answer the following question.
Hopefully someone on this list can answer it.

Can the slide WebDAV servlet be configured to serve an existing
directory on the filesystem?

What I have found is that you can set up a slide filestore and store
files in it, but you cannot create a slide filestore from an existing
filesystem directory. Slide needs to store all kinds of metadata to do
its job and the webdav servlet can only serve a slide filestore. Is
this right?

If not, what would I need to do to get the slide webdav servlet
serving say, /home/alon/public_html/, where I have a bunch of
directories and files in that location already? I understand that a
limited set of the WebDAV protocol will be supported.

I've also looked at the tomcat webdav servlet but it has several
issues. First, it can only serve the webapp root in which it is
loaded. It is also dependent on many tomcat core classes. I would like
to be able to deploy on a range of application servers.



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