With the jdbc stores, are any new tables created that might be saving similar 
information as those .def.xml files? My concern is that, as Oliver pointed out, this 
'store78.def.xml' file is created and saved *only* where the metadata is saved for 
TxXMLFileDescriptor (no option to change that). Something similar must be happening 
with JDBC stores.

With James recommendation of having the scope node be part of the root store instead 
of the child store, the whereabouts of the JDBC version of this information would be 
valuable in determining if we can simply have this scope node information be part of 
the root's 'nodestore', or if there should be a new ScopeStore/ConfigStore that can be 

Having this information stored only in the root node (using whatever the root's 
nodestore configuration) should satisfy read-only needs if this is the quicker 
solution, and I do not forsee any drawbacks outside of minor confusion as we have had 
on this thread.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:48 AM
> To: Slide Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: read-only support (CD/DVD)
> Darren, I think the issue you're seeing is that the value you 
> enter for
> the <scope> becomes part of the URI space in Slide. As Warwick and
> Oliver mentioned, by defining a scope to be "store78" you've 
> effectively
> created a /store78 node with the contents of your store 
> inside it. Since
> the TxXMLFileDescriptorsStore uses a meaninfully named xml file to
> represent each node, the store creates a store78.def.xml file.
> I think earlier you were talking about insulating the store from the
> scope it was defined on. I think that would probably be a good idea.
> Effectively it would mean the store78 node would be part of the root
> store instead of the child store. I'm not sure what making that change
> would entail (maybe Oliver does).
> For an immediate solution, if you create your store with the 
> same scope
> you're planning on using after you burn your CD it should mask this
> problem (there may be others, though).
> -James
> On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 22:31, Oliver Zeigermann wrote:
> > Which is already there:
> > 
> > <parameter name="rootpath">e:/store/metadata</parameter>
> > 
> > By the way a description file of that fashion is created for every 
> > collection and content resource.
> > 
> > Oliver
> > 
> > Warwick Burrows schrieb:
> > 
> > > So basically the creation of this store78.def.xml file 
> only occurs for
> > > TxXMLFileDescriptorsStore type stores as I don't see it 
> for a jdbc root
> > > store. But I do have two TxXMLFileDescriptorsStores 
> configured as well and I
> > > do see .XML files for those. Eg. 
> store2/metadata/files_2.def.xml and
> > > store3/metadata/files_secondCollection.def.xml. So a 
> parameter to the
> > > TxXMLFileDescriptorsStore telling it where to put this 
> description file
> > > would be sensible.
> > > 
> > > Warwick
> > > 
> > > 

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