It is as Mirko states.
Performance issues with large collections are a known issue with slide.


Mirko Froehlich wrote:

This might sound obvious, but is there any way you can distribute your
content across a hierarchy of folders?

I have not experimented with this scenario in Slide, but I have worked
with similar content repositories before, and having many (i.e. several
thousand) documents in a folder is usually very problematic. In addition
to the actual repository efficiency that suffers, there are often UI
scalability issues (e.g. if the documents get displayed on a web page,
you might need to implement pagination, etc.).


On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 09:49, Dirk Ehms wrote:


I have put 2000 file resources in one WebDav collection. When I request
a list of all resources (PROPFIND) I have to wait between 30 and 40
seconds until I get a response. At the moment I use
TxXMLFileDescriptorsStore. Using a database is even slower. Has anybody
a suggestion how to get the response a bit faster?


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