The JAAS authentication for me is working happily.

However, I wish to remove the custom authentication within the slide login module and replace it with my own authentication.

At the moment a fixed username and password 'jaas' jaas'

I would like to know how to do this, as I believe ther is a complication associated with auto creating users, that when I authenticate, I need to tell slide to auto create a user and role for mt foreign authenticated user.

What parts do I need to retain in the login module and what parts can I remove ?



Oliver Zeigermann wrote:

Hi Paul,

if the original JAAS authentication did work for you this does not
seem to be a Slide related problem. I have no idea what parts of the
Sun tutorial you used or what you even want ot achieve. The
information you provide does not give me a clue either.


On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 15:11:49 +0100, Paul Hussein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am having a slight problem configuring a simple JAAS authentication
using slide 2.1rc1 ( tomcat binary )  and the example code from the JAAS

I have downloaded and build the example code from above and jar'd that
up and placed it in common/lib

I have modified the jaas.conf to be

slide_login {
sample.module.SampleLoginModule required

And through some debug i have added to the sample login module I can see
that the login method takes the credentials and returns true.

However i still get

 HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied


*type* Status report

*message* _Access to the requested resource has been denied_

*description* _Access to the specified resource (Access to the requested
resource has been denied) has been forbidden._


     Apache Tomcat/5.0.28

I have read from the lists that maybe i need to set :


Which I have done but I still get the same error.

Is there another setting I am missing to get this simple sample JAAS
authentication working with Slide.



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