pippin;667040 Wrote: 
> Nein.
> Weil noch ein Wrapper für ein paar OpenSource-Module total sinnlos ist,
> der Mehrwert ist marginal. Die Audiounterstützung in iOS ist recht gut
> und sooo schwer sind libflac und libogg nun auch nicht zu benutzen.
> Abwarten ;)
> Aber einen "iPod Cache" gibt es nicht. Es gibt die iPod Library, in die
> kann man nix 'reinstellen (als App) und abspielen kannst Du die auch mit
> Bordmitteln, braucht iPeng also nicht zu tun.

Ich dachte halt dass es über das reine streamen hinausgehen könnte zum
Beispiel um iPeng während eines Fluges zu nutzen. Ausserdem lagern eben
verschiedene Apps ihre Cache bislang wegen der blöden restriktionen von
Apple alles bei sich selbst ab. gemeinsammer Zugriff dachte ich geht
nur im Ipod Bereich. 

Ich habe hier mal die EIgenschaften von libBass eingestellt. was ist im
Vergleich denn marginal?
Insbesondere wenn du irgendwann mal einen Cache baust, wird dann
Gapless möglich sein? Equalizer? Jukebox?

Support for WAV/AIFF/MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG and custom generated samples
Sample streams
Stream any sample data in 8/16/32 bit, with both "push" and "pull"
File streams
MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG/WAV/AIFF file streaming
Internet file streaming
Stream data from HTTP and FTP servers (inc. Shoutcast, Icecast &
Icecast2), with IDN and proxy server support and adjustable buffering
Custom file streaming
Stream data from anywhere using any delivery method, with both
"push" and "pull" systems
OS codecs
ACM, Media Foundation and CoreAudio codec support for additional
audio formats
Multi-channel streaming
Support for more than plain stereo, including multi-channel
MOD music
Uses the same engine as XMPlay (very accurate, efficient, high
quality reproduction), with full support for all effects, filters,
stereo samples, DMO effects, etc...
MO3 music
MOD music with MP3 or OGG compressed samples (vastly reduced file
size with virtually identical sound quality), MO3s are created using
the MO3 encoder
Multiple outputs
Simultaneously use multiple soundcards, and move channels between
Flexible recording system, with multiple device support and input
selection, (WMA encoding & broadcasting via the add-on, and other
formats via BASSenc)
Decode without playback
Streams and MOD musics can be outputted in any way you want
(encoded, written to disk, streamed across a network, etc...)
Speaker assignment
Assign streams and MOD musics to specific speakers to take
advantage of hardware capable of more than plain stereo (up to 4
separate stereo outputs with a 7.1 soundcard)
High precision synchronization
Synchronize events in your software to the streams and MOD musics,
synchronize playback of multiple channels together
Chorus / compressor / distortion / echo / flanger / gargle /
parametric eq / reverb
Custom DSP
Apply any effects that you want, in any order you want
32 bit floating-point decoding and processing
Floating-point decoding/rendering, DSP/FX, and recording
3D sound
Play samples/streams/musics in any 3D position
Small buffers for realtime performance, large buffers for
stability, automatic and manual buffer updating, configurable
Add-on system for additional format support and effects (C/C++ API
available on request), dynamic plugin loading system, access to
underlying DirectSound objects

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