I think this is one of the most exciting proposed features for microsling.

I would like to add some notes:

2) Enhancing the DefaultSlingServlet's doGet method to return Items in
JSON format by default. That's generally useful, compared to the
current text dump which has only debugging value.

What about adding this as a default handler for the json extension, compared to an XML serialization as a default handler for the xml extension. (I am still thinking about adding a certain XML-processing framework as a very powerful script engine to Sling)

3) Providing the client-side code with microsling, currently that's
less than 400 lines of javascript, with no dependencies to other
javascript libraries. And some examples (which we already have) and
automated tests of course.

We should make sure we use the same JCR-JSON-mapping for RJAX and the Rhino HostObjects used on the server.

I think we should spend some time thinking about integrating this Web Forms 2.0 http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/


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