Hi Toby,

Maybe this will work out anyway, because I can create the nodes with
required type from the bunkai tree right now.
If I then fill the content of the node in a form field with the name
"jcr:data", it should work, shouldn't it?


On Feb 12, 2008 9:51 PM, Tobias Bocanegra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Hmm. The easiest way would of course be to send the content as jcr:data.
> > How far away is the implementation of this, do you think?
> i haven't tried this, but it should work. if you are dealing with text
> anyways you just need to
> ensure that you POST in utf-8. as long as the 'files' are already
> there, this should work. the problem
> would be to create new ones (currently). i'll create an issue to address
> this.
> > Also, if not, how do I simulate multipart posting from Dojo? Hmm. I'll
> go
> > down in the dark documentation cellars..
> i don't know dojo, but afaik in ajax you cannot send a file unless you
> loosen some browser security policies. a work around is to use a
> hidden iframe that contains a form.
> regards, toby
> --
> -----------------------------------------< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >---
> Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
> T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
> -----------------------------------------------< http://www.day.com >---

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