> that's what david mentioned earlier:
> > i think it may well be worth the effort of looking into finding out
> we
> > can do around the gplv3 licensing of extjs.

Yes, I misunderstood because he said:

" i have recently seen a great example of a very good jcr explorer using
extjs. as a matter of fact i think that this was visually substantially
superior to the dojo/swing based jcr explorers that i have seen in the
i think it may well be worth the effort of looking into finding out what
we can do around the gplv3 licensing of extjs. "

And I took that to mean that he saw a JCR browser that was based on ext
but was GPLv3, not that ext was gplv3 ;-)  That was my mistake though.

On that note, I've had a look at the node store and property store and
cleaned up one of the demos there and I have a very basic, but
functioning browser based on that code.

A few questions:

1) Just about to go digging, but if someone could point me to the code
that gets the node properties and sends them via json to the browser,
I'd appreciate it.

2) It appears that the request URI to get the properties of a node is
[resource URI].json (more or less, there's a depth in there that I don't
quite understand yet).  Is it safe to assume that users won't have
content at that URI?

3) Does anyone have any thoughts on how they'd like to see properties
vs. children (e.g. does everyone agree that the way the Eclipse browser
works is a good model for this?  Or are there certain things that should
be done differently?  I have to admit, I'm not real fond of the Eclipse
plugin's structure, but maybe I don't completely understand it either).
I'm sort of of the opinion that properties should not be in the tree,
the tree should only contain nodes and the properties should be in a
separate pane when a node is selected in the tree.


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