Hi Felix, Lars,

thanks for the help. I will give it a try.

Yet, I still wonder why we chose to ignore selectors and extensions on
POSTs. It appears inconsistent to me that we have these mechanisms that work
beautifully for GET requests, but on POSTs they don't.
Actually, before looking into the docu and asking here I spent quite some
time just trying to POST to a script with a selector because I naturally
assumed that this would work.
Maybe there is a good reason why POSTs with selectors are a bad idea, but
otherwise I suggest to re-consider them.


You can help yourself with a servlet which you write for your blog post
> resource type handling POST requests.
> In addition your servlet would implement the OptingServlet interface,
> which has the accepts(SlingHttpServletRequest) method. In this method
> you check whether the POST request is a Trackback request or not. If the
> request is a simple update POST, just return false and your servlet will
> be ignored.
> If the POST request is a Trackback request, return true and your servlet
> will be called to handle the POST request and the default
> SlingPostServlet will not be called.

Michael Marth | Day JCR Cup 08 | Win a MacBook Pro: http://dev.day.com/

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