On 3 Jan 2009, at 20:35, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:


On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Torgeir Veimo <torg...@pobox.com> wrote:
...If I take the current sling svn trunk code, do a mvn install in the root, then a mvn install in launchpad/webapp, then use the resulting war file in the target directory, then I should get the latest sling trunk code?...

Yes, but the launchpad app and webapp modules do not necessarily use
snapshot versions of all bundles, some dependencies are still on the
released versions of bundles.

Ok, so launchpad != latest trunk. What is the easiest way to run the latest modules?

Note that you could also have updated the org.apache.sling.jcr.webdav
bundle manually after starting the launchpad webapp, for example by
building the webapp bundle using

 mvn -P autoInstallBundle clean install -D

Thank you! running this command in jcr/webdav fixed my problem!

Torgeir Veimo

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