
[cross-posting since this is for both Jackrabbit and Sling people]

Last year we had a JCR meetup event during the ApacheCon in Amsterdam
[1]. Now there's a chance of doing one again this year during the
ApacheCon at the end of March [2]. The three-hour event would take
place in the evening either on Monday 23rd or on Tuesday 24th. The
location is the Mövenpick hotel in central Amsterdam.

The meetup will only happen if we can find enough attendees,
presentations and sponsors. Please let me know, preferably already by
the end of this week, if you'd be interested in participating.

    [ ] I'd like to attend on Monday, March 23
    [ ] I'd like to attend on Tuesday, March 24

Presentations can be anything JCR-related and may last between five
minutes and about half an hour.

    [ ] I'd like to present X on Monday, March 23
    [ ] I'd like to present X on Tuesday, March 24

The event will be free for everyone to attend, but we still need to
cover the rent of the meeting room and other related costs. To cover
these costs we're looking for companies to sponsor the event.
Sponsoring is not expensive, and by sponsoring you get to support the
Jackrabbit and Sling projects and get your name attached to the event.
You can contact me for more details.

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/JcrMeetupApril2008
[2] http://www.eu.apachecon.com/c/aceu2009/


Jukka Zitting

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