I recently (this morning, 2/19/09) checked out a clean copy of the
source from the trunk. Although using maven from the command line built
everything fine (I needed to include -U,) importing into Eclipse has
problems that I believe are related to this error displayed in the
"console" of eclipse. 

2/19/09 10:35:09 AM EST: Build errors for sling-builder;
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Internal error
in the plugin manager executing goal
'org.apache.felix:maven-scr-plugin:1.0.8:scr': Mojo execution failed.
Has anyone else seen this or something similar? 

I'm using Eclipse: Version: 3.4.0 Build id: I20080617-2000 (which is
Ganymede) on ubuntu linux with jdk 1.6 installed. 

It's worth nothing that there are several other errors, that may be
rooted in the confusion between which version of
org.osgi.framework.Constants to use. Specifically eclipse has problems
when compiling org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.impl.Sling.java in the
launchpad base project. 

Furthermore, scala scripting really seems to "fall off the curve", but I
haven't explored if this is related to the other problems. 

However, this all seems to be related to Eclipse as: 
    % mvn -U clean install 
at the top level of the trunk works fine. 

-- Langley 

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