Felix Meschberger wrote:
> Hi all,
> SLING-344 [1] added the StarResource [2] to support requests to
> explicitly unknown resources like /* or /*.html. One feature of this
> class is, that it adapts to a "FakeNode".
> Given that in the meantime we are firm on the resource tree, which
> resolves resource, which need not be backed by JCR items, having a
> synthetic resource not backed by a JCR item return a non-null result for
> adaptTo(Node.class) is kind of strange.
> For this reason, I suggest remove the Node adapter functionality of the
> StarResource, such that
>         StarResource.adaptTo(Node.class) == null
Urgs, that's really strange; yes we should change it: +1

Carsten Ziegeler

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