On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Andreas Hartmann <andr...@apache.org> wrote:
>> For authentication, you can configure one of the provided handlers (HTTP
>> Basic or OpenID) to be active on one or more paths or host/path
>> combinations.
> is there any documentation on this? Where can I configure the authentication
> handler?

Almost everything (apart from the repository configuration and
contents) is configured through the OSGi component configuration
mechanism. It has its GUI in the Felix webconsole at /system/console
-> "Configuration". You'll see the component names (or class names) in
the list and if you select one, you'll see its properties. Change them
+ hit save and the change should immediately take place (depending on
how long it takes to restart the component and its dependencies).


Alexander Klimetschek

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