> Can I use te file  sling.properties to override properties of the
> current Sling components ?

Only some of them. For instance, you can initialize the JCR repository
home with "sling.repository.home" property.

> For example, I would like to build a custom war which override the
> property "type.noncollections" for the component
> org.apache.sling.jcr.webdav.impl.servlets.SimpleWebDavServlet
> Can I write in the sling.properties :
> org.apache.sling.jcr.webdav.impl.servlets.SimpleWebDavServle.type.noncollections=MyCustomValue
> I'm just wondering if the syntax is correct.

AFAIK, not at the moment. In the other hand, you can modify this
property with the Apache Felix console [1] after launchpad webapp

[1] http://localhost:8888/system/console

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