Juan José Vázquez Delgado schrieb:
>> There is a how-to run the Jackrabbit stuff inside Equinox at [1]. And
>> there is a page on running Sling on the ServiceMix Kernel at [2].
> I have made some tests runnig Sling on the ServiceMix Kernel and
> everything was ok. An OSGi R4 Http Service implementation is mandatory
> in order to work, for instance Pax Web [1].
> Regarding with this, maybe we should provide a systematic way to test
> Sling on other OSGi containers than Apache Felix. Using Pax Exam [2]
> with the Sling integration tests could be a choice.

Good idea.

I was thinking along the lines of creating a "dummy bundle", which
contains references to "core" Sling bundles. Then we could instruct to
point the OSGi Bundle Repository Client to the Sling Bundle Repository
and install the "dummy bundle" to have Sling easily installed.


> [1] http://wiki.ops4j.org/display/ops4j/Pax+Web
> [2] http://wiki.ops4j.org/display/ops4j/Pax+Exam

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