On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:
>> ...scripts are
>> only picked
>> up from configured paths (libs and apps by default). So as long as the
>> user is not allowed to write in these locations, everything should be fine.
> Well, there is a chance here, of course: Consider the node is created as
> /content/bad with resource type "/content/malicious" and the script as
> /content/malicious/html.esp...

> Then the request to /content/bad.html would in fact call the script.

That's what I meant.

> ...Of course, restricing scripts to live in side any of the
> ResourceResolver.getSearchPath() or defining an excecution permission
> would help resolve this issue. I personally would prefer the execution
> permission approach (though it may fall short of scripting languages
> calling into the resource resolver (or the repository directly) to load
> included scripts ....)...

Restricting scripts to ResourceResolver.getSearchPath() locations
sounds much easier and less risky, at least until we have a concept of
execution permissions. There's no real reason to have scripts anywhere
else than under those search paths.


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