a qualified +1 (non binding),
but only because I see problems with the management of the private list.

Committers who are not PPMC members cannot be on the private list otherwise they will see Committer->PPMC votes, and perhaps rejections.

Further, this will mean that committers will not be able to cast votes, even non binding, on elections of new committers.

However, if this works ok on top level projects, then there is no reason why it shouldn't work for Sling.

On 30 Apr 2009, at 22:07, Felix Meschberger wrote:

Hi all,

An update draft of the Sling Community Roles and Processes as been on
the site since June 2008 [1]. This draft proposes to separate the roles
of Committers and (P)PMC members to lower the entry barrier for
committership. Additionally I added an explicit note, that regular
contributors of documentation may be elected as Committers just like
regular contributors of code.

I think it is about time to put this draft on vote and accept or drop
it. So lets start a vote on this the current draft for the Sling
Community Roles and Processes [1]:

 [ ] +1 Yes
 [ ] -1 No, because ...

This is a majority vote running until Tuesday, 5. May 2009 (due to long
weekend in large parts of Europe).

Thanks and Regards


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