
Ian Boston schrieb:
> On 6 May 2009, at 20:23, Felix Meschberger wrote:
>> I have to admit, that I have my issues with this patch, too. First it
>> introduces new API and second it exposes a Jackrabbit internal feature
>> (SynchronousEventListener) which is AFAICT not intended for general use.
>> May I ask you, what your use case for the SynchronousEventListener is ?
> We need to get access to items before they are saved to
> a) set additional node properties
> b) apply some rules on node properties.

Hmm, not knowing the exact details, I would assume that in your
synchronous listener you have a JCR session, which you use to update the

So it would be something like:

   User Session US modifies content
   Synchronous Listener gets notified
   Synchronous Listener Session SLS modifies content again

Correct. Now, I don't completely understand what the advantage of using
a synchronous listener really is - or is it for the "Transaction
Context" you are referring to below ?

>> So I would also prefer a solution, which the standard OSGi Event Admin
>> service: Using service registration properties EventHandler services may
>> limit the events they receive.
>> To support Jackrabbit SynchronousEventListeners, the OSGi EventAdmin
>> bridge (bridging JCR events to OSGi events) may use synchronous event
>> delivery (EventAdmin.sendEvent). For normal EventListeners, the regular
>> asynchronous event delivery (EventAdmin.postEvent) is used.
>> WDYT ?
> yes, that might work for us,
> I assume by synchronous they are on the same thread

No, you cannot assume that you are running in the same thread, the save
assumption as per the OSGi EventAdmin spĆ¼ec is, that it may be the same
thread must is not required to be. But you may assume that the listener
is called synchronously.

> and share the same Transaction context ?

I am not sure, what exactly you mean here. Is the listeners session
associated with the "Transaction context" while updating more properties
? Now, the question is of course, how the listener session gets to the
"Transaction context" to associate with. If it is a ThreadLocal
property, you may be lost with EventAdmin.

Maybe Jackrabbit SynchronouseEventListener is so special, that we expose
special API from the jackrabbit-server bundle to support such
synchronous listeners.


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