Hi Alex

> first of all, good to see progress on the documentation front!
> > Manipulating Content/SlingPostServlet
> is a rather important topic for most everyday Sling development, so it
> should get a more prominent location (could also be done through a
> link from an overviewpage, though). Having it under its technically
> correct "bundles" parent page makes it a bit hard to find for new
> people who don't really know what they are looking for.
> This might apply to some other topics as well, so I wonder if there is
> a way to "highlight" them in any way.

I see two ways to reach your point:
Everything which belongs really to the core of Sling should go
into "Engine, the heart of Sling". So maybe Manipulating
Content/SlingPostServlet should also go there (and have a Link
under bundles). The second possibility could be to make two sections
under bundles (eg. "Core bundles" and "Extenstions"). I prefer the
second approach. We could link in the Overview/Engine section to
the SlingPostServlet and some other important functionalities as
in addition.
Last but not least, the bundles section is a very important section
(if it will be complete one time).

best regards

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