Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Hi Glenn,

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Glenn
Silverman<> wrote:
http://admin:ad...@localhost:8888/testing/this should display a
default HTMLrepresentation, including the value of the "title" property.

That URL is not valid anymore due to changes in how URLs without
extensions are handled. The correct one is


I just updated the launchpad/webapp/README.txt - thanks for reporting!



Thanks for the reply. I tried the new URL, but got the following error message:

Resource dumped by HtmlRendererServlet
Resource path: */testing/this*
Resource metadata: *{sling.resolutionPathInfo=.html, sling.resolutionPath=/testing/this}*
Resource properties
title: *something*
jcr:primaryType: *nt:unstructured

*I thought that this message would go away if I installed the path-based-rpt bundle, which I did.


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