
An update. You know how Tara DC and I had set this April 25 deadline to 
get your stuff into us? Well...I found out this week I am leaving for 
Halifax on May 4. There is absolutely no way in hell I can do a 
reasonably cool job on getting MY volume done by then, what with exams, 
moving, bla bla bla...

Anyway, so we've decided we will release volume I first, then volume II. 
Tara DC's tape is Volume I. I'm going to be back home (what home???) in 
the beginning and middle of July, so that's when I'm putting together 
my volume. So all you slack ass musician types ;) keep sending your stuff 
to us, but just so you don't panic, if you're on *my* list, it's ok if 
they come in late. Make sure to mark LES AMIS somewhere on the package so 
as to keep the confusion for my dear sweet gramma (who is handling my 
mail) down to a minimum. :)
Tara DC is still, as far as I know, working with an end of April 
deadline. Email her if you want more information. In fact, email her just 
to say hi or to harass her about her twisted picnic plans. :) :) :)   


Volume I *should* be ready sometime early summer, Volume II *should* be 
ready sometime late summer.

If, btw, you send yr stuff to me before I leave, I promise to bring a 
copy of it with me to Halifax to play for members of the fab four. 
Wouldn't that be neat? :)

bye bye,
tara leeeeeaving sooner than later
 Our love is like a Springsteen concert.
 It's not that great. It's really long.
 But gee, what energy.
                 - Bruce, the shortest
                     kid in the hall

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