first of all, thruster, strictly musically speaking,
play amazing, first-class skate rock.

secondly, emily's totally right about that band being
misogynistic, but she doesn't even go far enough.
i caught them at birdland this week and had just about
all i could stomach of songs about "shitty girls"
and "fucking bitches"...  "i went over to jason myers'
house / she was there with his dick in her mouth"
their songs are an unrelenting stream of sexual 
misadventures in which the party to be blaimed is always
female.  thruster get my vote for most sexist/misogynistic
band in halifax.  i didn't like it when tara wittchen
called them "boy punk".  it would be a sorry state of
affairs if indeed "boy" = misogyny.  fortunately i don't
think that thruster are representative of other male
bands on the halifax scene.  just my two cents.


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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