continuation of part I:

- sloan:  all i have to say is that it was too short!!  also, when they
finished playing, i was left with a feeling of "that's it!?" -- it seemed
like a very unceremonious way to end 'sloan'.  since i was in the seats, i
couldn't make out many facial expressions, so i don't know how they reacted
throughout the entire set.  here's what they played:
  * 500 up
  * penpals
  * before i do [chris on vocals, and it was upbeat]
  * snowsuit sound
  * same old flame [during this song there were bubbles floating on stage and
chris was trying to pop them]
  * coax me [local rabbits and 2 others come up on stage and dance throughout
the song!  hilarious!!]
  * sugartune
  * stood up
  * ?? [cover song, i think.. andrew on vox and guitar, jay on bass, chris on
drums, patrick on guitar]
  * people of the sky
  * pretty voice
  * bells on [i loved it.  vocals, instrumentation.. it was great]
  * worried now
  * i am the cancer [no harmony from jennifer pierce.  jay capsized during
this track.  chris made quoting gestures with his fingers at the part ("so
long scarecrow/ sorry i had to go but") "i shall return"]
  * underwhelmed ["affection has 2 f's especailly when you're doing a zine"]
and for the encore...
  * i hate my generation [conga line goes across the stage]

and the concert was over at 11 pm.  just like that.  i still can't believe
that that was it.  i wish they played a longer set, i wished they played some
other songs, i wish....  but what's done is done, and i can't change
anything, can i?  oh boy, i'm getting melodramatic.

umm, a few observations:
- t-shirt prices were outrageous!!  $27!! you gotta be nuts!  mike (of hp)
and jennifer (of jale) were apologizing for the prices -- jale even threw
t-shirts into the audience!
- i settled my score with chris murphy ;)  i realized that i couldn't beat
him up (not that i'd want to..), so i bumped back into him.  also, he gave me
this "you gotta be kidding" look when i asked him for his autograph....
- never got to meet patrick.. *sigh*  the obsession ends on a sad note..  (or
does the obsession end?? ;)  )

anyways, it was a cool concert, and i hope to meet some 'netters again :)

                        ...sizzle (saying 'hi' back to mr murphy) teen

p.s.  shanan, i liked your dress :)  too bad it wasn't silver, eh? ;)

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