shawn writes:

>T-shirt prices were outrageous.  A shirt which you could get from murder 
>for $15 would sell for $27 there.  How can that be?  

well, the answer seems pretty simple to me.
i would assume that somewhere along the way, someone,
like the promoter or the facility or someone, demanded
a piece of t-shirt sales as a condition of booking the gig.

>Hardship Post was just one guitarist, one drummer, and a huge stage.  It 
>looked really funny, and they were quite boring.  It's hard to get 
>intimate w/ all that room up there.  

do you mean that hardship post specifically look funny that way,
or you react that way to duos in general?  just curious.  
i guess having seen the spinanes and the inbreds i'm kinda getting
used to rock duos myself.  it is different, both from the norm and
for them, that's for sure.

>jale was OK, but they all seemed to have that alternachick-rocker pose 
>through-out that whole show.  Watch enough Veruca Salt and Elastica 
>videos and you'll know what I'm talking about.  (knees together, bopping 

you mean like jay ferguson?  :-)
seriously though, jale were doing their thing long before
there were any veruca salt or elastica videos to look at.


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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