just a little word of warning for all you fans of 
cinnamon toast...  i saw this in the july 26 
edition of the halifax _daily news_.

CINNAMON'S SIN by Lawrence G. Proulx
The Washington Post

        There's good news and bad news for 
cinnamon lovers, you daredevils!  And if your 
passion for that piquant taste hasn't given you 
mouth ulcers or inflamed lips, you can skip the 
bad and hop right to the happy ending.
        For a tiny minority of cinnamon users, the 
very chemicals that give cinnamon its sharp flavor 
can be the source of chronic mouth problems.
        "If it's overlooked, that person can be 
miserable until it's diagnosed," said Toby 
Mathias, a staff dermatologist at Group Health 
Associates in Cincinnati.
        Unfortunate people can react badly to 
cinnamon in two ways, said Michael A. Siegel, an 
associate professor in the department of oral 
medicine at the University of Maryland at 
Baltimore, who presented several case studies at a 
recent meeting of the Academy of General 
Dentistry.  Cinnamon can act as an irritant, in 
which case "in some people the mouth feels burning 
and dry."  Or there can be a true allergic 
reaction; then "you're very likely to see ulcers 
like cancer sores on the inside of the mouth.  
It's what we would call a delayed hypersensitivity 
reaction, meaning that the body recognizes the 
cinnamon as foreign and 48 to 72 hours later your 
mouth breaks out."
        "In the case of the irritant," Siegel 
said, "you moderate, you use a little less of it.  
In the case of allergy, your very next bite will 
cause the ulcers.  You can't eat cinnamon 
        Dentists should be aware of cinnamon's 
dark side, said Richard L. Miller, a professor of 
oral pathology at the University of Louisville 
school of dentistry.  "These lesions can be 
confused with more serious conditions," he said.
        Miller adds, "The majority of the cases 
we've seen have been (people chewing gum) in 
smoking cessation.  It's not the occasional user.  
It's the person using two, three packs of gum or 
candy (a day)."
        Siegel emphasized: "We're not recommending 
that you stop using cinnamon if you don't have a 
problem.  It is very likely that you will never 
have a problem ... This is not dangerous, and it 
will never lead to oral cancer."


with that in mind, i suggest that all halifax 
netters attend the cinnamon toast bbq this sunday 
and check out rebecca west, plum tree, broken 
girl, and others.  and eat your cinnamon toast!  
remember, it's not cancerous -- usually.

james :-)

p.s. someone should post directions; i don't know 
exactly where this thing is taking place.

     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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