wow i'm tired, yet restless at the same time, so i guess this 
explains why i'm at my computer at 3:30 in the morning, huh? well, i just 
got home from seeing thrush hermit for the first time since edgefest (or 
stevemillerfest), as opposed to my friend ian, who hadn't seen them since 
they opened for sloan at camaro's cafe in 1992. 
        theush hermit have some new songs up their sleeves that just keep 
getting better and better. songs like "north dakota" and "at my expense" 
really bring out the early kiss sound (two thumbs up!). of course 
there's always the "great pacific..." stuff like "every morning..." and 
"25 all right", and then "hated it", which i haven't heard them do in 
awhile:) all in all, they played about 15 songs in 45 minutes. they then 
came out and did an encore set of two songs....the ever popular (among 
the redneck contingent there) "jet airliner" by some 70's guy;) and "the 
great pacific ocean". it was a really good show. my question is why 
weren't there more people on the floor? i was really getting sick of the 
three or four rednecks up front wolf-wistling, sticking beer bottles 
in front of our camera and falling around. general annoyance. ther WERE 
people on the floor, but everyone was just standing there for the most 
part until the encore set.
        oh bed calls to me. also gotta find something to soothe 
my sunburn. i kinda got a "redneck" myself;)


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