On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, shant pelley wrote:

> I was really getting sick of the three or four rednecks up front 
> wolf-wistling, sticking beer bottles in front of our camera and falling 
> around. general annoyance. ther WERE people on the floor, but everyone 
> was just standing there for the most part until the encore set.
> shant:)

..They came up to the stage during some rock 'n' roll cover song and 
started doing the old "nod & shuffle" and the "beer wave".  These guys 
(and to be fair there was a woman as well) really stood out with their 
distinctive style of artist appreciation.  The funniest part of thrush 
hermit's stage banter was Ian saying "first time at the birdland" after 
their grand entrance onto the dancefloor.  To their credit, the "rednecks" 
didn't flee from the stage as soon as the boys started playing their own 
compositions, and in fact they seemed to enjoy it.  Should this fact speak 
to the awesome power of rock and roll to unite the masses?  Or perhaps 
some of us die-hard hermit fans should take a step back and take another 
look at the score.

Thrush and others did play in windsor on sunday night.  I missed it 
because of my radio show.  Anybody go to see it?  Reviews?

Mike " keep on dancin' " N.  

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