You know what, I heard that the video in question is entirity made up 
of editing room floor clips from this unreleased *Skin Flick* that was 
to be called "Super Sexy Friends: Easy Livin' in Nashville". I guess the 
Hollywood censors weren't into the hotpants either. 

On Mon, 21 Aug 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

> Yeah they think they are so clever, those stupid super friendz. with 
> their little boy charm and innocent, fresh-faced good looks. well they're 
> sure not fooling me anymore.
> i had the displeasure of watching their debut video on mucheast tonight 
> and i have two words for you:
>   Porno Graphic.
> how i made it to the end of their so called music video is nothing short 
> of a miracle. first, matthew murphy -  those tight pants leave VERY 
> little to the imagination. you know, there are many young children who 
> watch this programme and for him to be strutting around in pants that 
> revealing shows how irresponsible he is. 
> then there is the young lady who practically bares all in her little 
> country and western "dance". i cry for women everywhere tonight.
> the lustful facial expressions all of the musicians make throughout the 
> "stage" performance are sickening. what next, actual fornication on the 
> stage?
> i'm not even going to talk about the hot tub scenes which CLEARLY depict 
> some sort of twisted aquarian orgy. 
> well i am sure disappointed in what used to be my favorite rock band. i 
> hope they are happy. charles, drew, matt, you walk on the dark side. i 
> only hope chris gets out while he can, instead of being led down this 
> evil path as dave marsh once was.
> filth!!!!
> a sad fan,
> tara lee

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