Thot y'all might be interested. :) 

Jim Cooper

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 16:54:07 -0300

Sorry to be so slack, but I'm happy to let you know that Chick was released
from the hospital just over a week ago.  He's doing really well and will
spend about a month in Tennessee at his mom's.  If you want to reach him
during that time, you can write to him at:   Chick Graning
                            3711 Maloney Rd.
                            Knoxville, TN  37920

or I can forward email to him as of next week.

Thanks to all for their support and a special thanks to those of you who
contributed to the laptop fund.  We hope to be able to release DEADSEXY in
early '96.

Joyce will be playing CMJ Sept.6th on the ASCAP-"All Quiet On the Set."
 8:00PM.  Hope you can make it!

Leslie Aldredge

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