Ok yah'll Chris' life update again but this time wiht some actual
musical content

first: I went downtown toronto today and i thought i might actually get
some t's or something but we (me and my frend chris who is in my band
Novacain $PLUG$) just ended up buying music. Question: In other major
cities i'm just wondering if this is the same in your town... HMV has
everything a dollar more expensive than Sam The Record Man and Sam's has
everything a dollar more than Sunrise! its really annoying to buy a few
cd's at HMV and findem a dollar cheaper at sams and then a coupla
dollars cheaper at sunrise oh well so here's what i bought

Sloan (Twice Removed) - yes i love this cd but didn't have a copy of it
so now i do nya nya

Thrush Hermit (Smartbomb) - same deal as 2x removed (i DO like this
better than GPO mainly cuz there's more [different] songs)

Superfriendz (Mock Up Scale Down) - I really really want to say that i
*heart* this album but i can't :( i guess they are more country-ish than
i expected! The 7" gave me the wrong impression i guess... right now i
only like maybe half the songs but i've only had one listen and only
songs 1-9 still 6 songs left which i skimmed the startings of (I *DO*
heart the new version of come clean! its amazing!)

Pluto (Cool way to feel) - uh oh this suffers from greenday syndrome at
first listen.. everything sounds the same! i hope that after hearing
everything a few times it'll get better

Ok non music stuff:
Me and my frend were on muchmusic... u know, staring in the glass while
the vj announces a video.... if you saw two guys looking in, one with
glasses and really crappy hair and making a weird smile, and the other
with sunglasses and an eric's trip shirt, i was the guy with crappy hair
and glasses :) HEY videoflow's on again!!! i think i missed us!!! damn
this is weird i'm watching muchmusic and videoflow is on for the 3rd
time and i think we were already on i hope my frend taped it!

Also, my friend Chris right, sometimes i tease him about wanting to be
exactly like rick white and that he wants our band to be Eric's Trip and
he even sings like rick white (i don't know what *I* sing like uhm i
can emulate sebastian lippa i think but for myself hmmm local
rabbits???) So ANYWAYS it was weird cuz my frend foned Sonic Unyon and
asked if the eric's trip 7" was out yet and he said that it was just
shipped and will be out in a month, then the guy paused and asked "who
is this?" and my frend goes "uh.. its Chris?" and then the guy said "oh
ok, i thought maybe it was Rick White checking up on us" so i think he
was pretty happy when he heard that :)


Chris Peressotti
- Most cool bands have a Chris... we have TWO!!!

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