On Tue, 29 Aug 1995, Helen Luu wrote:

> Okay, this is Plumtree's discography according to a JUne issue of a zine I
> have here w/ me.. BTW, they also interviewed the band in it.. NEhoo, back
> to the topic at hand..
> -"No CLass" compilation ("Follow You") No Records
> -split single with Strawberry ("Dog Gone Crazy" and "Have a Banana")
> CInnamon Toast Records
> -"FLutterboard" cassette Follow You Home Records
> soon:
> -7" on Cinnamon Toast
> -CD on Cinnamon Toast
> -7" on Pop Narcotic
as far as i know, that 7" has never happened, and i have not heard a 
thing about it for a while.  maybe it is still in the works, but i'm 
quite sure it hasn't been released.


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