HALIFAX - Sloan Net list manager James R. Covey recently returned to his 
home after surviving oral surgery.

    Early reports indicate Covey, a resident of the Spryfield area, is 
recovering at a much more rapid pace than previously expected.

    "Yeah, his head is about the size of Citadel Hill, but other than 
that, we felt he was stable enough to return home," explained his doctor. 
"Besides, we were all getting just a little tired of his jokes. Who would 
have thought charades could have gotten more annoying that it already is??"

    Covey had been admitted to the big red brick hospital at dawn on 
Wednesday, July 12. While exact details of the actual surgical procedure 
are unavailable at this time, it is safe to assume it was gross all around.

    "Everything went fine," he said in an E-mail message earlier today. 
"I kinda want to go lie down."

     Anxious sloan netters concerned for Covey's well-being need not 
fret, confided a source close to the list manager. "He's kind of a weird 
guy, anyway."

     "mmrrgghhaa," responded Covey. His jaw will not be unwired for 
approximately six weeks.

    (ed. note - Thank God.)

"Make no mistake
 I'm looking to get lost
 Let's do something stupid
 For once just because"
   STONE ALONE - super friendz

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