good morning y'all.... (yawn)
sizzle teen and d'arcy here going mental because we can't figure out a
single thing being said in our interview with the plumtree girls...
the interview was awesome :)  since we're all around the same age, it
was really easy talking to them.. found out all the stuff we wanted, and
a bit more... hee hee ;)  the interview (if we ever decipher it) will be
in d'arcy's zine and my zine (if it ever comes out..)
the show (triple bill with kat rocket and nerdy girl) was amazing!
fantastique! (yes we need sleep)  nerdy girl was really good.  and kat
rocket sooooooooooo amazing!  go out and buy their new cd.  nice
powerful vocals.  as for plumtree, they were grreat :)  they seemed to
be having a lot of fun on stage, and everybody loved them!
plumtree gossip (well, actually it's 100% true):  nina is leaving the
band :(  in order to pursue higher education (univeristy -- duh!).
she'll be hard to replace...  her two choices (of university) are u of t
and mcgill.
.well, back to the deciphering business! we suck at it.. we need help..
.we need sleep... anyone?  ..anyone???  so i guess we're condemned to
dictaphone HELL.  send for help soon.
    ..sizzle teen

 and -=- D'Arcy -=-

 p.s.  back at ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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