SSup y'all. This post is supposed to be done by Tara Dee See but she's
already got homework to do....and lots. So....this pooey thing should hold
people over until she can fill the immense void that needs to be filled
with her perky wacky writings. Here we go....

Saturday, Sept 2nd.
Tara, Jayson, Jil and I all head down to the National gallery to see some
free shows. We have a picnic and then get there just in time to see a
french band, then Ottawa's own Sully (amazing ambient loud peaceful
musaak) then  ma  ("...this is a song......about pain...." gimme a break)
then treble charger. Trebs show up late but that's ok. The van pulls up,
they jump out, they play we smile and tap our feet and make a lot of
noise. AHHHH.'s all taped for RealTime on be
aired.... eventually. Anyhow. Greig from Trebs says they're gonna record
something on a 4-track for the Les Amis tape. Ask Tara. I am dumb. Anyways,
after the free show, Jayson and Tara drive an hour to Cornwall to see Jale
and Superfriendz. I'm sure she'll tell you all about it, I wasn't there. I
went home and listened to BJORK LIVE ON REALTIME!!!! I am the happiest
camper on the ground. Anyhow....yeah. That was Saturday.

Sunday, Sept 3rd.
Jayson and I leave real early to go back to the gallery to meet with Sook
Yin Lee again. She's soooo cool. We talked for a long time, then Jil and
Tara showed up. We all chatted some more, then Sook Yin played. It was
soooo amazing. She was excellent. ( by the way....did you see her
plug ffiction again on the wedge today? It was cool. She said Jayson's
name and my name too!!!!) Anyhow....Then....Jale was supposed to
play.....but they weren't there yet. We wait a while...and then I spot
CHris Murphy and point him out to Tara. They do their chat thang and then
Jale shows up as well. They jump out the van....set a wicked,
and I mean wicked set, we bop our heads and sing along, and then it
stopped. Then 5th Column played. They were pretty cool. Kind of
rock-a-billy meets riot grrrl -if that's still a valid term. Anyways,
yeah...Then...we go eat, then we go to The Pit for the real Jale
Superfriendz show. We go in, watch the remains of the all day Ottawa
typical hardcore scream-fest that Ottawa is sooooo good at and then Jale
comes on. AhHHh. Relief. They were wicked...again. Then.....Supahfriendz
hit the stage and oh my was ten times wilder than the couple
times I had seen them before. It was wild. They played lots o cool stuff
including 10lbs, Fireflies -oooh- Come Clean, When they paid me, tons
more, can't think......Then after their last song.....they just kept on
going.....They went nuts. They played a cover (can't remeber of what but
it was real pretty.) Then they switched...Drew on drums, Chris on bass AND
vocals, and got someone I didn't know to sing a country song. It too was
wicked. Then they played another song. Then another and Chris was goofing
off....he got on Charles' shoulders and fell over. I think he actually
hurt himself a little. What a crrrrazy guy.Oh well... It finally ended
very over the time limit but it was ok. What an amazingly fun show. Tara
and Jayson had their big long goodbye blah blah chat with the bands and
Chris and everybody while me and Jil waited. It was lotso fun. That's
about it. 
I cant believe I wrote all that. I hope Tara still posts cuz now
I feel like an ass. ok bye...


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