Man, this guy sure as hell gets around...  the other night I was 
innocently flipping through a *very* old YM mag (let me stress the 
fact that it *was* indeed very old... I made the decision to let my 
teenybopper ways die a silent but brutal death a while ago) and what 
did I come across but... "Fast Facts about Jay Ferguson."   
    It says he played Taylor, one of Burt Reynolds' sons, on "Evening 
Shade."  We all remember that piece o' junk, right?  Jay should be 
ashamed of himself.
   He says he likes "intelligence in a girl, and a big sense of humor.
"  Wow girlies, that could be you!!!
 AND, he lists as his hidden talents, "I play tambourine, and I make 
great toast."  Tambourine? I never would've guessed... but of course 
we all recognize the cinnamon toast reference, right? Right??
                                                          *way* too 
much time on her hands,

 BTW, katrina, you probably already found this out, but I heard that 
Bill from treble charger's last name was Priddle... wowee :)
          School      starts     on     Friday...    

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